Designers & Creators Directory
Miodrag Živković
(MEE-oh-drag ZHIV-koh-vich)
(Миодраг Живковић)
Birthplace: Leskovac (near Lazarevac), Kingdom of Yugoslavia (today Serbia)
Heritage: Serbian
Date born: 1928
Date deceased: July 31st, 2020
Education: Academy of Applied Arts, Belgrade (graduated 1952)
Among the most significant Serbian artists of the 20th century, Miodrag Živković distinguished himself during his roughly six decades of artistic achievement as a supreme innovator. Born and raised in the small southern Serbian town of Leskovac, at the age of 16, Živković and his family moved to Belgrade directly after the liberation of Serbia from Axis forces. Having been inspired by art at a young age, Živković enrolled at the Academy of Applied Arts in Belgrade in 1946 to study sculpture after graduating from high school. Upon graduating in 1952, he entered compulsory military service, then, after complete this obligation, he began his tenure of teaching sculpture at several different schools across Serbia, all the while working on refining his personal sculptural style. Through the 1960s and 1970s, Živković received a number of prominent commissions from across Yugoslavia to design memorial sculptures to commemorate victims and events of the National Liberation War. These monuments are among his most famous and recognized works. His sculptural style in many of these monuments, and much of his other work is characterized by sharp geometric abstract forms that act as an elegant foil to the stunning beauty on which they are situated, appearing to almost burst forth or arise from within the landscape itself. In addition, these geometric shapes often hide mysterious peering gazes of stylized faces hidden within the angular abstractions. It is a distinctive and powerful style that lends itself to contemplation and reflection.
In addition to creating public sculptural pieces across the Yugoslav region, Živković has been commissioned to create works abroad. In the early 1970s, Živković spent several years in Chile where he organized the installation of several monuments he was commissioned to create. Then, in subsequent years, he also ventured to countries such as Italy, Nigeria, Egypt to install public sculptural works. In 2004, he was honorably awarded the 'Golden Ring' prize for a lifetime of contributions to art and culture in Serbia. During the 2000s, Živković continued to work on creating sculptures at his studio in Belgrade, as well as taking commissions for religious sculptures and new memorial sculptural projects in Serbia and in the Republic of Srpska for the events of the 1990s wars. Živković passed away in Belgrade at the age of 93 on July 31st, 2020.
Works by this Designer:
This is a listing of a number of memorials, monuments, cultural centers and other notable Yugoslav-era civic works by Miodrag Živković. Those sites listed in the upper part of this section have profile pages, while those listed in the lower part do not yet have completed profile pages. This list also includes non-Yugoslav international projects that Živković created, as well his unrealized works for which models only exist. This list is not exhaustive and will be added to over time.
Yugoslav Works with profile pages:
Click photos to go to page
Kadinjača, SRB
Name: Monument to the Battle of Kadinjača
Year: addition completed in 1979
Kragujevac, SRB
Name: Interrupted Flight at Šumarice Park
Year: completed 1963, w/ Đorđe Zloković
Priština, RKS
Name: Monument to Brotherhood & Unity
Year: completed in 1961
Grahovo, ME
Name: Monument to Sava Kovačević
Year: completed 1978
Name: Monument to the Battle of Sutjeska
Year: completed in 1971, w/ Đorđe Zloković
Vodna, SRB
Name: Resava Mine Disaster Monument
Year: completed in 1985
Ostra, SRB
Name: Monument to Courage
Year: completed 1969, w/ Đorđe Zloković, et. al
Name: Monument to Freedom
Year: completed in 1985, w/ Đorđe Zloković
Yugoslav Works without profile pages:
New Belgrade, SRB

Name: Monument to WWII Pilots of Belgrade
Year: completed in 1994
Location: N44°49'43.8", E20°25'18.2"
Raška, SRB

Name: Monument to Fallen Fighters
Year: completed in early 1953
Location: N43°17'13.8", E20°36'49.4"
Pirot, SRB

Surludica, SRB

Kosovo Polje, RKS
![Kosovo Polje [Dominik Drexler]-3.jpg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/e73a14_f344a3a16d52471baf1d57406188673f~mv2.jpg/v1/crop/x_38,y_0,w_1644,h_936/fill/w_288,h_164,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/Kosovo%20Polje%20%5BDominik%20Drexler%5D-3.jpg)
Valjevo, SRB

Name: Monument to Milovan Glišić
Year: completed 1968, w/ Puteš Ajdin
Location: N44°15'48.6", E19°53'36.5"
Belgrade, SRB
Name: Sculpture at Sports Center May 25th
Year: completed in 1975
Location: N44°49'50.6", E20°27'16.7"

Božurnja, SRB

Lazarevac, SRB

Name: Sculptural relief on Cultural Center
Year: completed 1977, w/ Mihajlo Mitrović
Location: N44°22'53.7", E20°15'43.9"
Loznica, SRB

Name: Monument to Vuk Karadžić
Year: completed 1964, w/ Puteš Ajdin
Location: N44°31'58.8", E19°13'20.2"
Vrnjačka Banja, SRB

Name: Fountain & relief at 'Izvor Jezero'
Year: completed 1989, w/ Mihajlo Mitrović
Location: N43°36'50.5", E20°53'26.4"
Valjevo, SRB

Belgrade, SRB

International Works without profile pages:
Gonars, Italy

Libreville, Gabon

Name: "African Sun" Relief at Convent. Center
Year: completed in 1977, demolished 2014
Location: ???
Punta Arenas, Chile

Name: Monument to Yugoslav Immigrants
Year: completed 1970, w/ Đorđe Zloković
Location: S53°08'45.3", W70°53'35.8"
Vienna, Austria

Puntas Arenas, Chile

Name: The Protest Monument
Year: completed 1970, w/ Ladislav Fekete
Location: S53°08'53.4", W70°53'42.3"
Unrealized Memorial Projects:
This section contains a listing of design proposals for various memorial projects that were submitted to competitions for consideration, but were ultimately NOT the final proposals chosen by the selection juries for the memorial projects they were submitted for. Below each photo is detailed the monument project it was submitted for, as well as the year it was submitted in.
Ljubljana, SLO

Name: concept for Mon. to the Revolution
Year: prop. 1962, w/ S. Dragović & V. Fekete
Bezdan, SRB
Name: concept for Batina Spomen-Dom
Year: proposed in 1976, w/ Aleks. Đokić

Kamenska, HR

Name: concept for Slavonia Victory Mon.
Year: proposed 1962
Zadar, HR

Name: concept for Monument to Tito
Year: proposed 1982
Belgrade, SRB

Name: concept for Jajinci Memorial park
Year: proposed 1980
Belgrade, SRB
Name: concept for Marx & Engles Monument
Year: proposed 1956, 2nd runner-up
Sremski Front, SRB
Name: concept for Sremski Front Memorial
Year: proposed in 1975, w/ Aleks. Đokić