Interactive Spomenik Map

This spomenik map (karta spomenika) is not meant to be a comprehensive list of all NOB spomenik/monument sites in all the former-Yugoslavia. This list only comprises the spomenik sites which I explored and researched during my 2016-2023 trips to the former-Yugoslav region (which I created a profile page for), along with additional significant spomenik sites (blue star), museum sites and notable figurative monuments for which I have been able to pinpoint the exact location. More profile pages, information, and data points will be added in time with further research.

It is important to note that many of the monument sites pin-pointed on this map exist in various stages of degradation and destruction. In the above interactive spomenik map (karta spomenika), I have employed a series of annotations to help clarify the condition in which these monuments can be found. If no annotation is listed along the title name of each site above its photo icon, then that indicates that the monument site and its central memorial sculpture are still relatively intact (but not necessarily pristine, as some vandalism & decline may be present). However, if you see the annotations "In Ruins", "Destroyed" or "Expunged" along side of a site's title name, this is an indication that the monument has undergone severe alterations, either from vandalism, damage, construction, etc. The purpose of these annotations is so that people using this map for exploration or navigation purposes are aware of what situation they may hope to find the monuments in upon arrival at their location (or former location). I will briefly here what information I hope to communicate with the inclusion of each of these annotations:
In Ruins: This annotation indicates that the general form of the central monument has been drastically altered, generally either through vandalism, violent damage, or other such forms of devastation. At these monument sites that are in ruins, the remaining husk of the monument in some cases may be barely recognizable from its original shape or form.
Destroyed: This annotation indicates that some or all of the primary memorial element of the monument site has been partially or fully destroyed, generally either through full removal, vandalism, violent damage, or other such forms of devastation. At these monument sites that are destroyed, very little to nothing of the primary memorial element will be remaining. However, remnant fragments of the monument's primary element (or significant amounts of the monument's secondary elements) will still be remaining at the site.
Expunged: This annotation indicates that all traces of the original monument structure are gone (both primary and secondary elements), generally either through full removal, violent damage, construction or other such forms of alteration. At these monument sites that are expunged, nothing is left of the original sculptural form. In some cases, the original compound, setting or other secondary elements that the monument existed within might still be present, yet, in other cases the whole site may be demolished, cleared and rebuilt in some new form.

Numeric List of Map:
Red Pushpins:
► 1. Bihać
► 2. Petrova Gora
► 3. Ilirska Bistrica
► 4. Dražgoše
► 5. Sisak
► 6. Podgarić
► 7. Jasenovac
► 8. Vukovar
► 9. Kozara
► 10. Sanki Most
► 11. Knin
► 12, Vodice
► 13. Košute
► 14. Podgora
► 15. Mostar
► 16. Gornji Jelovac
► 17. Zenica
► 66. Velanija
► 67. Leskovac
► 68. Vlasotince
► 69. Kočani
► 70. Struga
► 71. Plovanija
► 72. Jajinci
► 73. Jasenica
► 74. Mirna
► 75. Pleso
► 76. Andrijevica
► 77. Draginac
► 78. Vođenica
► 79. Glamoč
► 80. Jabuka
► 81. Črni Kal
► 82. Sarajevo
► 49. Dotršćina
► 50. Slabinja
► 51. Donji Miholjac
► 52. Ulcinj
► 53. Medeno Polje
► 54. Bravsko
► 55. Drvar
► 56. Grmeč
► 57. Zaostrog
► 58. Bela Crkva
► 59. Bratunac
► 60. Kraljevo
► 61. Majdanpek
► 62. Kolašin
► 63. Berane
► 64. Barutana
► 65. Golubovci
► 83. Sremska Mitrovica
► 84. Čenej
► 85. Brezovica
► 86. Landovica
► 87. Brzeće
► 88. Begunje
► 89. Zaječar
► 90. Vranjske Njive
► 91. Gligino Brdo
► 92. Zagreb
► 93. Ada
► 94. Brštica
► 95. Žužemberk
► 96. Vrtoče
► 97. Obadov Brijeg
► 98. Lepoglava
► 99. Zrenjanin